Investment Scholarship

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Investment Scholarship

Educational Debit Have you started investing in your children’s future? As of 2019, only 19% of Americans have started a regular savings account for their children. However, reports have shown that about 44.7 million people have accumulated an estimate of 1.53 trillion dollars in student loan debt. According to Charles Schwab’s 2019 Modern Wealth Index Survey, 59% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and only 38% pay bills and save each month. It is important to start investing early in providing financial freedom before and after college.  To assist parents, banks and other saving companies (Stash, E-trade and Fidelity, etc.) offer a 529 college savings or prepaid tuition plan, Roth IRA, and Coverdell educational savings accounts. Though these options are available, some families who live-in low-income households cannot add additional withdrawals from their monthly income.

We Understand Japh’s Bowtique was created to help build generational wealth and inheritance for Harris’ son (owner). Harris spent eight years accumulating federal debit in order to pursue her passion of advocating for children with exceptional needs. She was not fortunate to receive a full academic scholarship or gifted funds from family. She was not taught financial literacy and did not understand that six-month post-graduation, Navient would start to request payments of six-hundred dollars a month. Harris realized that she had negative reports for unpaid medical bills and personal expenses on her credit report. She decided that enough was enough. Harris studied how to rebuild her credit and repay her student loans. After giving birth to her son, she wanted to ensure he did not have the same misfortune. Now Harris wants to do the same for low-income families in her community.  

We are Here to Help Japh’s Bowtique wants to invest in your children’s future. We honor this by taking a percentage of every purchase and put it towards building funds for low-income children to use for their future. Once we meet our investment goal per child, Japh’s Bowtique invites families and friends to apply for our Investment Scholarship. The scholarship will open a custodial savings account to invest in business, trade school, or universities and colleges.


Email us at, for more information or to donate directly to our Investment Scholarship.  

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